What is the HFSA?

The Home Farm School Association (HFSA) is a collaborative organisation comprised of parents, teachers, and community members dedicated to supporting and enhancing the educational experience of our students.

What does the HFSA membership entail?

HFSA membership gives you the opportunity to stay informed about school events, attend HFSA meetings, and contribute to our mission. You can choose your level of involvement, from being a member only to taking on more active roles.

What volunteer opportunities are available?

We have a wide range of volunteer opportunities, from assisting at school events to helping with fundraising efforts and more. Visit our Get Involved page to explore current opportunities.

Can I volunteer even if I have a busy schedule?

Absolutely! We understand that everyone's availability is different. We appreciate any time you can spare, whether it's an hour or more.

How do I join a HFSA committee?

To join the committee, please reach out to our HFSA committee chairs on the Contact Us page. We can provide information on current committee needs and how to get involved.

What is the time commitment for committee members?

The time commitment varies based on the specific projects we are working on, typically only a few hours a month. Committee members can choose their level of involvement and availability.

How can I stay updated on PTA events and news?

To stay informed, visit our website regularly and keep an eye out for our updates in the school newsletter. You can also follow us on social media for updates and announcements.

How does the HFSA support the school and students?

The HFSA supports the school through fundraising, organising events, advocating for educational improvements, and providing resources that enhance the learning environment for students.

How can I contact the HFSA with questions or ideas?

We welcome your questions and ideas! Please visit our Contact Us  page for contact information or reach out to our HFSA committee.